
3 em 1 Portátil Foguete Crianças Tenda Camping

13 Reviews


Esta barraca infantil portátil 3 em 1 é perfeita para acampamentos com seus pequenos. Seu design compacto facilita o transporte e seus materiais duráveis ​​garantem um uso duradouro. A barraca pode ser usada como área de recreação, espaço para cochilos ou abrigo contra os elementos. Com múltiplas funções e fácil instalação, é essencial para qualquer aventura familiar.

Idade recomendada : + 3 anos - Certificação : CE, dot, EAC, EPA, FCC, GMP, RoHS, TGA, UL, KC, - Certificação : NENHUMA - Tenda : Tenda para crianças

Principais características:

- Pequeno e portátil - Tenda para crianças acamparem ou viajarem
- Fácil de abrir e dobrar, adequado para a primavera - Seguro, não tóxico, sem PVC e fácil de limpar
- Porta de enrolar/abaixar em tecido para fácil acesso e duas janelas permitem fluxo de ar e visibilidade
- Facilitar aos pais a observação da atividade do bebê a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar
- Estampas decorativas nas laterais deixam as crianças animadas quando brincam dentro
- Cultivar a capacidade de comunicação social, capacidade desportiva, capacidade de consciência espacial

Conteúdo da embalagem: 1 x brinquedo de barraca, 1 x túnel, 1 x piscina de bolinhas, 1 x bolsa de armazenamento com zíper - (bolas não incluídas)
61 stars

Customer Reviews


13 Customer Reviews
5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 stars


Powered by ViVA Reviews

It is as it looks, it has even seemed bigger than it looks, very satisfied

Jack Tillman

Wed, Jul 31

Mrs. Andre Labadie

Fri, Jul 19

Shannon King

Sat, Jul 13

Roy Deckow

Sat, Jul 13

Dr. Maryann Bernier

Mon, Jun 10

Product of excellent quality. Very easy to assemble. My son no longer wants to get out of it. Very satisfied

Delores McLaughlin

Thu, May 23

Rick Graham

Wed, May 22

Nathan Rice

Thu, May 09

Great product!!! Very very cute!! I like a lot // good quality // Good price quality ratio

Ms. Bryan Towne

Mon, Apr 22

It is quite large, it comes very well folded, to see who folds it now...

Rosemarie Weimann

Thu, Apr 18

Come less balls than it indicates and are small

Peggy Howe

Thu, Apr 18

Mr. Lora O'Connell

Wed, Apr 17


Santiago Mayert

Mon, Apr 15

Jack Tillman
Wed, Jul 31

It is as it looks, it has even seemed bigger than it looks, very satisfied

4 out of 5
Jack Tillman
Wed, Jul 31

It is as it looks, it has even seemed bigger than it looks, very satisfied

1 out of 13
Mrs. Andre Labadie
Fri, Jul 19

5 out of 5
Mrs. Andre Labadie
Fri, Jul 19

2 out of 13
Shannon King
Sat, Jul 13

5 out of 5
Shannon King
Sat, Jul 13

3 out of 13
Roy Deckow
Sat, Jul 13

5 out of 5
Roy Deckow
Sat, Jul 13

4 out of 13
Dr. Maryann Bernier
Mon, Jun 10

5 out of 5
Dr. Maryann Bernier
Mon, Jun 10

5 out of 13
Delores McLaughlin
Thu, May 23

Product of excellent quality. Very easy to assemble. My son no longer wants to get out of it. Very satisfied

5 out of 5
Delores McLaughlin
Thu, May 23

Product of excellent quality. Very easy to assemble. My son no longer wants to get out of it. Very satisfied

6 out of 13
Rick Graham
Wed, May 22

5 out of 5
Rick Graham
Wed, May 22

7 out of 13
Nathan Rice
Thu, May 09

5 out of 5
Nathan Rice
Thu, May 09

8 out of 13
Ms. Bryan Towne
Mon, Apr 22

Great product!!! Very very cute!! I like a lot // good quality // Good price quality ratio

5 out of 5
Ms. Bryan Towne
Mon, Apr 22

Great product!!! Very very cute!! I like a lot // good quality // Good price quality ratio

9 out of 13
Rosemarie Weimann
Thu, Apr 18

It is quite large, it comes very well folded, to see who folds it now...

4 out of 5
Rosemarie Weimann
Thu, Apr 18

It is quite large, it comes very well folded, to see who folds it now...

10 out of 13
Peggy Howe
Thu, Apr 18

Come less balls than it indicates and are small

3 out of 5
Peggy Howe
Thu, Apr 18

Come less balls than it indicates and are small

11 out of 13
Mr. Lora O'Connell
Wed, Apr 17

5 out of 5
Mr. Lora O'Connell
Wed, Apr 17

12 out of 13
Santiago Mayert
Mon, Apr 15


5 out of 5
Santiago Mayert
Mon, Apr 15


13 out of 13