
Correias de náilon boné rack de armazenamento com gancho para boné de bola de beisebol sobre a porta armário organizador chapéu coleções exibição

34 Reviews


Nome do produto: Atrás do suporte de chapéu pendurado

Cor preta

Material: Náilon + aço inoxidável

Tamanho: 200x2,5cm

Número: G962A

• Solução versátil de armazenamento: Este suporte para bonés com tiras de nylon é uma solução versátil de armazenamento para sua coleção de bonés de beisebol, perfeito para organizar seus chapéus e mantê-los livres de poeira.

• Material Durável: Feito com tiras de náilon resistentes, este porta-bonés foi projetado para suportar o uso diário, garantindo desempenho e durabilidade duradouros.

• Design de gancho: O design de gancho permite fácil acesso aos seus chapéus, tornando conveniente a escolha do boné certo para cada ocasião.

• Economia de espaço: Este porta-chapéus é compacto e não ocupa muito espaço, tornando-o a escolha ideal para armários pequenos ou áreas lotadas.

• Fácil Instalação: Com seu design simples, este porta-tampas pode ser facilmente instalado em qualquer lugar do seu armário ou área de armazenamento, sem a necessidade de assistência profissional.

• Ideal para Coleção de Chapéus: Quer você tenha alguns chapéus ou uma coleção grande, este porta-bonés é a solução perfeita para manter seus chapéus organizados e facilmente acessíveis.

Como usar o Attaches To Door com tiras elásticas fáceis sobre qualquer porta padrão.

Características: Serve para todos os tamanhos ou chapéus, o organizador para pendurar no armário vem com um design de gancho flexível que ajusta a organização de qualquer tipo de chapéu, não apenas chapéus masculinos, mas femininos e infantis também. O rack de tampas pode conter mais de 16 tampas, se desejado.


Por favor, permita um ligeiro desvio para os dados de medição.

Devido à diferença de luz e tela, a cor do item pode ser ligeiramente diferente das imagens.

161 stars

Customer Reviews


34 Customer Reviews
5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 stars


Powered by ViVA Reviews

Super product fast delivery👍

Lori Paucek

Mon, Aug 12

Madeline Conroy

Thu, Aug 08

Works as expected. I like how it's adjustablw to fit most doors. finally have a place for all my caps. would recommend. I think Amazon... more

Candice Lowe

Mon, Aug 05

Harriet Fadel Jr.

Mon, Jul 29

Yolanda Kling

Fri, Jul 26

Sonia Grimes

Thu, Jul 25

Paula Larson

Tue, Jul 23

works great, does exactly what it needs to do

Ms. Preston Bernier

Mon, Jul 15

Adapted to the needs for what was bought was a good choice and good quality price ratio

Mrs. Joan Mayert

Sat, Jul 13

It is OK the order adjusted to the needs I have at the time of purchase and exceeded expectations

Kristy O'Kon PhD

Sat, Jul 13

Dianna Hahn

Fri, Jun 21

Brendan Bogan DVM

Thu, Jun 20

Miss Kimberly Hudson

Sat, Jun 15

You get what you pay for. It does the job.

Ms. Courtney Johnson

Wed, Jun 12


Marguerite Rogahn

Thu, May 30

Marion McCullough

Sun, May 26

Allan Zemlak

Thu, May 23

Benjamin Altenwerth

Tue, May 21

Lydia Littel IV

Sun, May 19

It looks good material and is easy to adjust to the thickness of the door, highly recommended

Alan Welch

Fri, May 17

Colin Thompson

Mon, May 06

Sophia Roob

Sun, May 05

I put both on the backside of my closet door and was able to easily hang 20 hats. It's simple and works great, highly recommend.... more

Clifford MacGyver IV

Thu, May 02

love good price and good quality  

Lillie Brakus III

Wed, Apr 24

Ted Mertz

Sun, Apr 21

Absolutely OK for the price. Fastening up and down could be more stable.

Johnathan Bosco Sr.

Fri, Apr 19

exactly as described. ordered another one

Kimberly Hagenes

Mon, Apr 01

Angelo Mann

Sat, Mar 30

Ervin Bauch

Thu, Mar 28

The cost is good, but the interval between the lines is so tight that the amount of the hat is too bad. The carrier will... more

Mrs. Jessie Greenholt

Tue, Mar 26



very simple to install and gets the job done ✔️ 9/10

Bryan Klein II

Sun, Mar 17

Oscar Windler

Thu, Mar 14


Mae Morissette

Wed, Mar 13

Camille Bartoletti

Thu, Mar 07

Lori Paucek
Mon, Aug 12

Super product fast delivery👍

5 out of 5
Lori Paucek
Mon, Aug 12

Super product fast delivery👍

1 out of 34
Madeline Conroy
Thu, Aug 08

5 out of 5
Madeline Conroy
Thu, Aug 08

2 out of 34
Candice Lowe
Mon, Aug 05

Works as expected. I like how it's adjustablw to fit most doors. finally have a place for all my caps. would recommend. I think Amazon has pampered because the wait was grueling but it worked out for the price point

5 out of 5
Candice Lowe
Mon, Aug 05

Works as expected. I like how it's adjustablw to fit most doors. finally have a place for all my caps. would recommend. I think Amazon has pampered because the wait was grueling but it worked out for the price point

3 out of 34
Harriet Fadel Jr.
Mon, Jul 29

5 out of 5
Harriet Fadel Jr.
Mon, Jul 29

4 out of 34
Yolanda Kling
Fri, Jul 26

4 out of 5
Yolanda Kling
Fri, Jul 26

5 out of 34
Sonia Grimes
Thu, Jul 25

5 out of 5
Sonia Grimes
Thu, Jul 25

6 out of 34
Paula Larson
Tue, Jul 23

5 out of 5
Paula Larson
Tue, Jul 23

7 out of 34
Ms. Preston Bernier
Mon, Jul 15

works great, does exactly what it needs to do

5 out of 5
Ms. Preston Bernier
Mon, Jul 15

works great, does exactly what it needs to do

8 out of 34
Mrs. Joan Mayert
Sat, Jul 13

Adapted to the needs for what was bought was a good choice and good quality price ratio

4 out of 5
Mrs. Joan Mayert
Sat, Jul 13

Adapted to the needs for what was bought was a good choice and good quality price ratio

9 out of 34
Kristy O'Kon PhD
Sat, Jul 13

It is OK the order adjusted to the needs I have at the time of purchase and exceeded expectations

5 out of 5
Kristy O'Kon PhD
Sat, Jul 13

It is OK the order adjusted to the needs I have at the time of purchase and exceeded expectations

10 out of 34
Dianna Hahn
Fri, Jun 21

3 out of 5
Dianna Hahn
Fri, Jun 21

11 out of 34
Brendan Bogan DVM
Thu, Jun 20

5 out of 5
Brendan Bogan DVM
Thu, Jun 20

12 out of 34
Miss Kimberly Hudson
Sat, Jun 15

5 out of 5
Miss Kimberly Hudson
Sat, Jun 15

13 out of 34
Ms. Courtney Johnson
Wed, Jun 12

You get what you pay for. It does the job.

5 out of 5
Ms. Courtney Johnson
Wed, Jun 12

You get what you pay for. It does the job.

14 out of 34
Marguerite Rogahn
Thu, May 30


5 out of 5
Marguerite Rogahn
Thu, May 30


15 out of 34
Marion McCullough
Sun, May 26

5 out of 5
Marion McCullough
Sun, May 26

16 out of 34
Allan Zemlak
Thu, May 23

5 out of 5
Allan Zemlak
Thu, May 23

17 out of 34
Benjamin Altenwerth
Tue, May 21

5 out of 5
Benjamin Altenwerth
Tue, May 21

18 out of 34
Lydia Littel IV
Sun, May 19

5 out of 5
Lydia Littel IV
Sun, May 19

19 out of 34
Alan Welch
Fri, May 17

It looks good material and is easy to adjust to the thickness of the door, highly recommended

5 out of 5
Alan Welch
Fri, May 17

It looks good material and is easy to adjust to the thickness of the door, highly recommended

20 out of 34
Colin Thompson
Mon, May 06

5 out of 5
Colin Thompson
Mon, May 06

21 out of 34
Sophia Roob
Sun, May 05

5 out of 5
Sophia Roob
Sun, May 05

22 out of 34
Clifford MacGyver IV
Thu, May 02

I put both on the backside of my closet door and was able to easily hang 20 hats. It's simple and works great, highly recommend. I purchased those plastic with self backing tape prior and they did not work well, fell off the door, etc... so get this, not those!!

5 out of 5
Clifford MacGyver IV
Thu, May 02

I put both on the backside of my closet door and was able to easily hang 20 hats. It's simple and works great, highly recommend. I purchased those plastic with self backing tape prior and they did not work well, fell off the door, etc... so get this, not those!!

23 out of 34
Lillie Brakus III
Wed, Apr 24

love good price and good quality  

4 out of 5
Lillie Brakus III
Wed, Apr 24

love good price and good quality  

24 out of 34
Ted Mertz
Sun, Apr 21

5 out of 5
Ted Mertz
Sun, Apr 21

25 out of 34
Johnathan Bosco Sr.
Fri, Apr 19

Absolutely OK for the price. Fastening up and down could be more stable.

4 out of 5
Johnathan Bosco Sr.
Fri, Apr 19

Absolutely OK for the price. Fastening up and down could be more stable.

26 out of 34
Kimberly Hagenes
Mon, Apr 01

exactly as described. ordered another one

5 out of 5
Kimberly Hagenes
Mon, Apr 01

exactly as described. ordered another one

27 out of 34
Angelo Mann
Sat, Mar 30

5 out of 5
Angelo Mann
Sat, Mar 30

28 out of 34
Ervin Bauch
Thu, Mar 28

5 out of 5
Ervin Bauch
Thu, Mar 28

29 out of 34
Mrs. Jessie Greenholt
Tue, Mar 26

The cost is good, but the interval between the lines is so tight that the amount of the hat is too bad. The carrier will have to be more solid. If you stay long, you will stretch

3 out of 5
Mrs. Jessie Greenholt
Tue, Mar 26

The cost is good, but the interval between the lines is so tight that the amount of the hat is too bad. The carrier will have to be more solid. If you stay long, you will stretch

30 out of 34
review-image review-image review-image
Bryan Klein II
Sun, Mar 17

very simple to install and gets the job done ✔️ 9/10

4 out of 5
Bryan Klein II
Sun, Mar 17

very simple to install and gets the job done ✔️ 9/10

31 out of 34
Oscar Windler
Thu, Mar 14

5 out of 5
Oscar Windler
Thu, Mar 14

32 out of 34
Mae Morissette
Wed, Mar 13


5 out of 5
Mae Morissette
Wed, Mar 13


33 out of 34
Camille Bartoletti
Thu, Mar 07

5 out of 5
Camille Bartoletti
Thu, Mar 07

34 out of 34